Monday, March 22, 2010

Store Ideas

1. My first idea is a store called 100% Paper. Basically I was thinking this store could be selling only things that are made out of paper. Toys, dresses, shoes, jewelry, cups, plates, straws, etc. I know there is already many things that have been invented to be made out of paper, for purpose of recycling and this store will bring them to the customers.
2. Half a Space. I was thinking how can a take the idea of a "book store" to a different level. Then I thought of things that fold out. I was also thinking of things being sold as halves and not wholes. That got me thinking if living in a small spaces, apartments people could try to save space by cutting things in half. What about a store that sells desks that fold up against the wall. Chairs that there is only half of the left or right side and the other side is attached against a wall. Shelves that fold up flat when not used against the wall too. This store could also sell things in halves as well like half a tv screen, half a bagel, half a clock ( all for comical purposes).
3. Last idea I had was to create a surrealist store. Things sold that look like out of Dali painting. Things that are juxtaposed together that don't usually go together. For example an exotic plant sold with boots growing out of it. I still have to think about that a bit more

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