Sunday, April 11, 2010

mark revisions / final?

Picture 4

here are some mark revisions, i'm thinking of the one on the right with a thinner outer ring.


feedback pls


  1. Ok, first of all, MUCH better. I'm definitely buying this much more. I'd consider switching your hierarchy, however, and have 826 Baltimore at the top, and the address line at the bottom.

    Secondly, I'm not buying "Arsenal of Encouragement" as it stands. I'm still really fond of the "SOS" idea, and would suggest utilizing the Morse code and the graphic elements to support this.

    Is there a way to work with the letter "SOS" so you can make that the store name, such as "S.O.S", an "arsenal of encouragement". This could make a great system.

    "SUPER OPTIMAL SUPPORT", etc. etc.

    Almost there!

  2. PS, I'm buying the life ring IF you can make "SOS" work here.
